I write to you with important Legislative Updates and information. Since being sworn in this January for the 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts my staff and I have attended hundreds of public legislative hearings and community meetings while responding to an equal amount of constituent inquiries and requests. These essential parts of our day-to-day inform the important work we do to bring better access to state government services and our legislative agenda.
In the same time period in the Senate, we have passed key pieces of legislation including the FY2024 State Budget. We have also passed several supplemental spending bills aimed at targeted interventions in community hospitals and health centers. While our budgets set our Commonwealth’s spending priorities, the policies we legislate are equally important. We have created legislation to address the ongoing public health and safety crisis at Mass & Cass, provided our first responders with the support and benefits they deserve, and increased labor standards to ensure our Commonwealth’s competitiveness.
It is with great pleasure and honor that I am able to continue this work, with a committed staff and with your support. So while this newsletter aims to inform you of the important work we’ve been doing on your behalf and the people of the First Suffolk District, I want to also say thank you for your partnership and unwavering support. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to get up every day and do the job I love with gratitude in service.

The Massachusetts State Senate passed a comprehensive rules package updating the Senate and joint rules to incorporate the best practices learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. This package reflects the societal shift toward hybrid operations while building on the Senate’s commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and equity.
To maintain accessibility to state government, the Senate voted to include language in both the Senate and joint rules codifying the use of hybrid hearings by joint and Senate committees. This change will allow increased public participation and ensure that those who cannot be present in the State House can still participate in the legislative process.
Keeping in line with the emergency remote voting procedures adopted during the pandemic, the Senate also voted to continue the option of remote participation, which will allow members to take part in Senate sessions even when they have extenuating circumstances. These changes build on the best practices that were developed during the pandemic, and they also promote greater inclusivity.
The Senate’s rules package also includes robust transparency and diversity measures related to committee proceedings. Under the Senate’s joint rules package, joint committee votes will be required to be posted on the Legislature’s website, as is currently the practice with Senate committee votes. In addition, joint committees will be required to make testimony publicly available upon request, while allowing for the redaction of sensitive information. In addition, committees soliciting expert testimony will be required to make every effort to ensure that such testimony comes from a diverse group of individuals.
The Senate rules adopted today are now in effect for the remainder of the 193rd legislative session. The joint rules passed by the Senate will be reconciled with a proposal by the House of Representatives.
Bill funds economic development initiatives
The Massachusetts Legislature passed a $388.6 million supplemental budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). The legislation funds vital services that support vulnerable populations and address food insecurity, housing instability, the state’s long-term COVID-19 response, economic development, essential support services for incoming immigrants and refugees, and more. Notably, the bill extends initiatives first implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as outdoor dining, remote public meeting access, and support for assisted living residences. The bill further authorizes $740.3 million in bonding to bolster the Commonwealth’s clean water and other public works projects for cities and towns, as well as to support the Commonwealth’s ability to compete for competitive federal grant funds.
The bill invests $388.6 million to address several time sensitive needs for an array of programs relied on by some of the most vulnerable residents of the Commonwealth, including $130 million for SNAP food assistance benefits to provide a path for families who were receiving enhanced SNAP benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic, $68 million for the Early Education C3 stabilization grant program, $65 million for the continuation of free school meals, $45 million for emergency shelter assistance, and over $40 million to support affordable housing for immigrants and refugees. Other measures funded in the bill include:
- $8.3 million for judgments, settlements, and legal fees
- $7 million for coordinated wraparound services for incoming immigrants and refugees
- $2 million for the reimbursement of SNAP benefits for victims of benefit theft
- $2 million for the preparation and execution of the 114th National NAACP conference, which is taking place in Massachusetts in 2023
- $1 million for a public awareness campaign to educate the public about the misleading tactics of so-called crisis pregnancy centers and their lack of medical services
- $250,000 for Reproductive Equity Now’s free abortion-related legal hotline. The bill also authorizes $740.3 million in capital expenditures to support economic development projects. Notably, these include $400 million for the MassWorks Infrastructure Program, which provides grants to cities, towns, and other public entities for infrastructure projects, and $125 million for state matching funds to compete for federal grant opportunities, including those funded through the CHIPS and Science Act, which encourage innovation in Massachusetts. Other bonding items authorized by the bill include:
- $104 million for the Clean Water Trust Fund • $34 million for a program to revitalize underutilized properties
- $30 million for state matching funds to compete for federal broadband expansion grants and improve state broadband infrastructure
- $15 million for the Massachusetts Manufacturing Innovation Initiative, which supports innovation within the state’s manufacturing industry, including by offering technical assistance to manufacturers and attracting talent from outside of the state
- $14 million for the Massachusetts Manufacturing Accelerate Program • $9.3 million for broadband middle mile supports
- $8 million for the Smart Growth Housing Trust Fund.
Recognizing the societal shifts that have taken place during the pandemic, the bill also addresses several pandemic-era related measures, including:
- Permanently allowing public corporations and nonprofits to hold certain meetings by means of remote communication
- Permanently allowing notaries public to conduct remote online notarization using communication technology
- Extending the ability of graduates and students in their last semester of nursing education programs to practice nursing in accordance with guidance from the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing
- Extending popular pandemic-related provisions including outdoor dining services, and beer, wine and cocktails to-go for a year
- Extending the ability of public bodies to allow remote participation by members in public meetings
- Extending flexibilities given to municipalities to allow for representative town meetings to be held in hybrid or fully remote capacities and that authorize reduced in-person quorum requirements
- Extending the ability of nurses employed by assisted living residences to provide skilled nursing care in accordance with valid medical orders, provided the nurse holds a valid license to provide such care. The supplemental budget includes the following provisions related to the end of the public health emergency on May 11, 2023:
- Temporarily extending flexibility on ambulance staffing
- Temporarily extending the ability of staff of a community program to administer prepackaged medications if in compliance with DPH guidance
- Temporarily extending staffing flexibilities related to dialysis providers
Senate Passes Legislation creating Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities
Dedicated Secretariat designed to assist the administration in prioritizing housing for all residents.
The Massachusetts State Senate passed a reorganization plan to create a state Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities, a cabinet-level position which will assist the Commonwealth with meeting its long-term goals in addressing the housing crisis and expanding safe, accessible, and affordable housing for residents. In Massachusetts, housing-related issues are currently addressed by the administration through the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. The reorganization plan passed in the Senate today would elevate housing issues to a separate executive agency tasked with supporting housing availability and assessing the Commonwealth’s progress in this area. In response to ongoing concerns over housing availability, last session, the Massachusetts Legislature allocated over $1 billion in direct appropriations to support affordable housing in Massachusetts. This followed a session that saw the long-awaited ‘housing choice’ legislation become law with important housing production incentives, including requiring multi-family zoning near transit.
In Massachusetts, housing-related issues are currently addressed by the administration through the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. The reorganization plan passed in the Senate today would elevate housing issues to a separate executive agency tasked with supporting housing availability and assessing the Commonwealth’s progress in this area.

The Massachusetts State Senate passed a $513 million supplemental budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). The legislation funds relief for hospitals, pension liabilities, special education costs, and flexible assistance for farms throughout the Commonwealth impacted by recent severe weather events. The bill also extends simulcast and harness horse racing and extends reporting dates for several governmental agencies. In addition, the legislation ratifies several outstanding collective bargaining agreements.

Appropriates $513M of fiscal year 2023 direct appropriations, including:
- $180M for relief to fiscally strained hospitals
- $100M for a supplemental transfer to the Pension Liability Fund
- $75M to support school districts with extraordinary special education costs
- $60.3M for staffing needs at the Department of Transitional Assistance
- $40M for a reserve to support costs related to Tatum vs. Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- $26.2M for collective bargaining agreement costs
- $20M for natural disaster relief for farms and affected areas
- $10.7M for public health hospitals
- $506k for interstate flood compact costs
- $200k for EEC contingency contract costs
Policy impacts:
- Clarifies an internal citation for large building energy reporting.
- Extends simulcast wagering and live horse racing in the Commonwealth until July 31, 2024.
- Extends the reserve to meet the costs of oversight functions in the Office of the State Auditor, the Office of the Attorney General, the Office of the Inspector General and the Office of the Comptroller related to the expenditure of federal 2019 pandemic-related funding to July 30, 2027.
- Increases the maximum allowable amount for the Department of Early Education and Care contingency contracts from $320,000 to $520,000.
- Extends for 12 months the reporting date for the intergovernmental coordinating council’s initial analysis of electric vehicle charging infrastructure deployment.
- Extends the reporting date for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation analysis of the operation of electric charging stations to October 1, 2024.
- Ratifies several collective bargaining agreements.
- Authorizes the Department of Public Utilities to allow electric distribution companies to recover expenditures and payments associated with the construction delay of certain clean energy generation power purchase agreements.
- Authorizes the Commissioner of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to convey certain parcels of land to the city of Framingham.
- Allows a city or town to amortize, over fiscal years 2025 to 2027, the amount of its 2024 major disaster related deficit.
The Massachusetts Legislature passed a bill that includes $375 million in bond authorizations for transportation needs across the state, including $200 million for the state’s Chapter 90 program, which provides municipalities with a reliable funding source for transportation-related improvements, including road and bridge repairs.
This legislation also authorizes $175 million in programs that will support various transportation-related projects. This includes $25 million for each of the following:
- the municipal small bridge program;
- the complete streets program;
- a bus transit infrastructure program;
- grants to increase access to mass transit and commuter rail stations;
- grants for municipalities and regional transit authorities to purchase electric vehicles and the infrastructure needed to support them;
- funding for pavement and surface improvements on state and municipal roadways; and
- new funding dedicated to additional transportation support based on road mileage, which is particularly helpful for rural communities.
$56.2B budget agreement provides for historic levels of investment in education, housing, regional transportation, and health care
Today, the Legislature enacted a $56.2 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24), reconciling differences between the versions of the budget passed by the House of Representatives and Senate and earlier this year. The FY24 conference committee report provides for historic levels of investment in education, housing, regional transportation, health care, workforce development, and more, as part of a broad strategy to grow our state’s economy and make Massachusetts more affordable, inclusive, and competitive.
The FY24 budget includes a total of $56.2 billion in spending, a $3.8 billion increase over the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Budget. This spending recommendation is based on a tax revenue estimate of $40.41 billion for FY24, representing 1.6 percent growth with an additional $1 billion from the new Fair Share surtax, as agreed upon during the consensus revenue process in January.
Remaining vigilant about the current fiscal environment, the FY24 budget adheres to sound fiscal discipline and builds up available reserves for the state’s stabilization fund. The fund has grown to a record high of $7.16 billion and is projected to close FY24 at $9.5 billion, ensuring the Commonwealth will continue to have healthy reserves to maintain fiscal responsibility during a time of ongoing economic volatility.
Consistent with the consensus revenue agreement reached with the Healey-Driscoll Administration in January, the FY24 budget includes $1 billion in revenues generated from the Fair Share ballot initiative voters approved in November 2022, which established a new surtax of four per cent on annual income above $1 million and invests these new public dollars to improve the state’s education and transportation sectors. To safeguard this new source of revenue, the FY24 budget establishes an Education and Transportation Fund to account for Fair Share revenues in an open and transparent manner, ensuring the public is informed about how this new revenue is collected and used to improve public education and transportation systems in accordance with the ballot initiative.
Notable Fair Share education and transportation investment highlights:
- $171.5 million to require public schools to provide universal school meals to all students free of charge, making Massachusetts the seventh state in the country to make the program permanent, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). According to the Feed Kids Campaign, 56,000 additional children ate school lunch daily in October 2022 compared to October 2019 as a result of this program.
- $100 million for Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) capital supports for cities, towns and school districts experiencing extraordinary school project costs impacted by post COVID inflationary pressures.
o In addition to the $100 million, the budget increases the statutory limit on the estimated amount of grants approved by the MSBA to $1,200,000,000.
o This increase in the statutory spending cap, coupled with an infusion of state funding, will allow schools who signed MSBA project contracts before COVID—as well as those who are working towards signing a contract—to catch up to construction costs impacted by inflation
- $50 million to accelerate and build capacity to support free community college across all campuses by fall of 2024, including:
o $20 million for MassReconnect as a first step toward free community college in the Commonwealth for those aged 25 and older.
o $18 million for a free community college pilot program for nursing students to support a an in-demand workforce area and build toward universal free community college in the fall of 2024.
o $12 million for free community college implementation supports to collect necessary data, develop best practices, and build capacity for free community college in the fall of 2024.
- $25 million to encourage degree completion in disciplines that will address the workforce development challenges facing the Commonwealth. This expansion will provide financial assistance to students pursuing graduate, undergraduate, or certificate programs for in-demand professions at public institutions of higher education. After graduation, students who accept this financial assistance are required to work in an in-demand industry in Massachusetts for five years.
- $50 million to create Green School Works, a competitive grant program for projects related to installation and maintenance of clean energy infrastructure at public schools. The program will be administered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and preference will be given to schools serving low-income and environmental justice populations.
- $181 million for MBTA capital projects.
- $100 million in supplemental aid for roads and bridges, half of which will be expended consistent with the Chapter 90 program, with the other half to be spent with a focus on the total mileage of participating municipalities.
- $90 million for regional transit funding and grants to be used exclusively to support the work of Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs), more than doubling the total funding for RTAs to $184 million.
- $20 million to address ongoing safety concerns at the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) that have been identified by the Federal Transit Administration’s Safety Management Inspection.
- $5.7 million for water transportation, which will cover one-time expenses for a pilot program covering operational assistance for ferry services.
- $5 million for MBTA means-Tested Fares, which will cover initial exploration of the feasibility of implementing a means-tested fare program at the MBTA.
The FY24 budget supports students across the full spectrum of the Commonwealth’s education system, from Massachusetts’ youngest learners to adults re-entering higher education. The budget report delivers historic levels of investment in education, including:
- $6.59 billion in Chapter 70 funding, an increase of $604 million over FY 2023, as well as doubling minimum Chapter 70 aid from $30 to $60 per pupil.
- $1.5 billion investment in early education and care—the largest-ever annual appropriation for early education and care in Massachusetts history.
- $714 million for childcare for children involved with the Department of Children and Families (DCF), Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), and for low-income families.
- $475 million for the Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) grants; FY24 is the first fiscal year in which the annual state budget includes a full year of funding for C3 grants, signaling a historic commitment to maintain this crucial lifeline for our early education and care sector.
- $85 million in rate increases for subsidized childcare providers across the Commonwealth.
- $504.5 million for the special education (SPED) circuit breaker.
- $97.1 million to reimburse school districts for regional school transportation costs, representing a 90 per cent reimbursement rate.
- $20 million for childcare resource and referral agencies.
- $17.5 million for Head Start grants.
- $15 million for rural school aid assistance.
- $5 million for early childhood mental health grants.
For K-12 education, the FY24 budget meets the Legislature’s commitment to the Student Opportunity Act (SOA), investing $6.59 billion in Chapter 70 funding, an increase of $604 million over FY 2023, as well as doubling minimum Chapter 70 aid from $30 to $60 per pupil. Finally, complementing our ongoing efforts to implement the Student Opportunity Act by FY2027 and ensures that all school districts are equipped with the resources to deliver high quality educational opportunities to their students, the budget requires schools to provide universal school meals to all students free of charge, making this pandemic era program permanent. The budget also includes two studies to examine school meal waste avoidance and nutrition standards under the program.
In addition to early education and public K-12 education, the FY24 budget report expands pathways to affordable public higher education for all by building capacity for free community college for all students in fall of 2024. Laying the groundwork for this momentous change, the budget report provides $50 million to accelerate and build capacity to support free community college across all campuses by fall of 2024, including $38 million for free community college programs starting in the fall of 2023 for students aged 25 or older, as well as for students pursuing degrees in nursing to address a critical workforce need.
To further increase the pipeline of qualified nurses, the FY24 budget also directs the Board of Registration in Nursing to develop an alternative approval process to allow nursing faculty to teach the clinical or skills lab component of a nursing course with a baccalaureate degree and any additional experience required by the Board.
Finally, the FY24 budget also provides access to in-state tuition for students without a documented immigration status. All students who have attended a Massachusetts high school for at least three years and graduated or obtained a GED in the state will qualify for in-state tuition rates at Massachusetts public colleges or universities, regardless of immigration status. Tuition equity will help accomplish the Commonwealth’s goals of growing the middle class, building the state’s workforce, and supporting the economy.
Investments in the FY24 budget allow more than 2 million people to receive affordable, accessible, and comprehensive health care services. Health care investments include:
- $19.81 billion for MassHealth, representing the largest investment made in the state budget.
- $2.9 billion for services and focused supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- $597.7 million for Department of Mental Health (DMH) adult support services.
- $582 million for nursing facility Medicaid rates, including $112 million in additional base rate payments to maintain competitive wages in the Commonwealth’s nursing facility workforce.
- $213.3 million for a complete range of substance use disorder treatment and intervention services.
- $119.8 million for children’s mental health services.
- $42.9 million for Early Intervention (EI) services, ensuring supports remain accessible and available to infants and young toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities.
- $33.8 million for Family Resource Centers (FRCs) to grow and improve the mental health resources and programming available to families.
- $26.3 million for grants to local Councils on Aging to increase assistance per elder to $14 from $12 in FY 2023.
- $25 million for emergency department diversion initiatives for children, adolescents, and adults.
- $20 million to recapitalize the Behavioral Health, Access, Outreach and Support Trust Fund to support targeted behavioral health initiatives.
- $6 million for Social Emotional Learning Grants to help K-12 schools bolster social emotional learning supports for students, including $1 million to provide mental health screenings for K-12 students.
- $5 million for Children Advocacy Centers to improve the critical supports available to children that have been neglected or sexually abused.
- $2 million for grants for improvements in reproductive health access, infrastructure, and safety.
- $1 million for the development, expansion and operation of freestanding birth centers and support for community-based maternal health services.
- $1 million for the University of Massachusetts’ acquisition of abortion medication, such as mifepristone, as national access to abortion medication is currently a pending issue in the courts.
The FY24 budget codifies into law the federal Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) provisions that protect access to preventive services, such as certain cancer screenings and HIV preventive medications, such as PrEP, that have been jeopardized by a recent federal court ruling in Texas. By enshrining the ACA protections into state law, insurance carriers across the Commonwealth will be required to provide coverage for preventive services without imposing cost-sharing such as co-pays and deductibles.
Additionally, as the MassHealth redetermination process that started in April 2023 continues, the FY24 budget creates a two-year ConnectorCare expansion pilot program to expand eligibility to 500 per cent of the Federal Poverty Limit (FPL), which is about $73,000 a year for an individual. This will result in 47,000 to 70,000 residents becoming newly eligible for more affordable coverage, while helping to ease the transition off MassHealth by providing more affordable options for people who would otherwise not be eligible for subsidized coverage.
Acknowledging that stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability and death in the United States and Massachusetts, the FY24 budget directs the Department of Public Health (DPH) to establish a comprehensive system of stroke response and care to ensure patients receive appropriate urgent care quickly. In addition, the budget includes provisions codifying Operation House Call, which directs DPH to establish standards on best practices for the treatment and care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities for a certified training program for students pursuing a health care profession.
Finally, the FY24 budget also requires a state employer to offer a new state employee Group Insurance Commission health insurance coverage effective as of the employee’s start date if the employee starts work at the beginning of the month or no later than the first day of the first full month of their employment.
With these important provisions, the FY24 budget helps to improve and expand continued access to programs and services for millions of our residents, while further protecting the rights of residents to make their own health care choices.
The FY24 budget makes a historic $1.05 billion investment in housing, dedicating resources to programs that support housing stability, residential assistance, and assistance to those experiencing homelessness.
The budget prioritizes relief for families and individuals who continue to face challenges brought on by the pandemic and financial insecurity, including $324 million for Emergency Assistance family shelters and $190 million for Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT), which providesrental assistance up to $7,000 per household.
Other housing investments include:
- $180 million for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP), creating more than 750 new vouchers and allowing the program to move to a payment standard with a benefit of 110 per cent of the federal small-area fair market rental price, significantly broadening housing options for those served by the program.
- $110.8 million for assistance for individuals experiencing homelessness.
- $107 million for assistance to local housing authorities.
- $37 million for the HomeBASE diversion and rapid re-housing programs, bolstering assistance under this program to two years with a per household maximum benefit of $30,000.
- $26 million for the Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP), including $9.1 million in funds carried forward from FY 2023. This funding increase will create 250 new vouchers and will pair with $2.5 million in grants to improve or create accessible housing units. Both programs will also benefit from the inclusion of project-based vouchers in AHVP, which will stimulate the building of new deeply affordable and accessible homes.
- $8.9 million for sponsor-based supportive permanent housing.
- $8.89 million for the Home and Healthy for Good re-housing and supportive services program, including $250,000 for homeless LGBTQ youth
In addition to these substantial investments, the FY24 budget makes permanent a pandemic-era eviction protection for renters with pending applications for emergency rental assistance under RAFT or any other program administered by the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC), a municipality, or a nonprofit entity. Under the program, a judge cannot execute an eviction before an emergency rental assistance application has been approved or denied.
The budget includes a record investment in the annual child’s clothing allowance, providing $450 per child for eligible families to buy clothes for the upcoming school year. The budget also includes a 10 per cent increase to Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) and Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC) benefit levels compared to June 2023.
Economic opportunity investments include:
- $444.7 million for Transitional Assistance to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) and $204.4 million for Emergency Aid to Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC) to continue efforts to lift families out of ‘deep poverty’—defined as is income below half the federal poverty level— and to provide the necessary support as caseloads increase.
- $60 million for adult basic education services to improve access to skills necessary to join the workforce.
- $36 million for the Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program.
- $20 million for the Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund to connect unemployed and under employed workers with higher paying jobs.
- $21 million in Healthy Incentives Programs to maintain access to healthy food options for households in need.
- $15 million for a Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program to provide economic support to communities disproportionately impacted by the criminal justice system.
- $15.4 million for Career Technical Institutes to increase our skilled worker population and provide residents access to career technical training opportunities. • $5.9 million for the Innovation Pathways program to continue to connect students to training and post-secondary opportunities in STEM fields.
The FY24 budget—in addition to funding traditional accounts like Chapter 70 education aid—demonstrates the Legislature’s ongoing commitment to state-local partnerships, dedicating meaningful resources that meet the needs of communities across the Commonwealth. This includes $1.27 billion in funding for Unrestricted General Government Aid (UGGA), an increase of $39.4 million over FY 2023, to support additional resources for cities and towns.
In addition to traditional sources of local aid, the budget includes the following local and regional investments:
- $184 million, including $90 million from Fair Share funds, for Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) which help to connect all regions of the Commonwealth.
- $51.5 million for payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT) for state-owned land, an increase of $6.5 million over FY 2023, ensuring a vital source of supplemental local aid for cities and towns working to protect and improve access to essential services and programs during pandemic recovery.
- $47.3 million for libraries, including $16.9 million for regional library local aid, $17.6 million for municipal libraries and $6.2 million for technology and automated resource networks.
No Cost Calls
The FY24 budget removes barriers to communication services for persons who are incarcerated and their loved ones. Under this provision, the Department of Correction (DOC) and sheriffs must provide phone calls at no cost to persons receiving and initiating phone calls, without a cap on the number of minutes or calls. As part of this initiative, DOC and sheriffs must maximize purchasing power and seek to consolidate voice communication services contracts.
Bill includes $561.3 million in tax relief in Fiscal Year 2024, $1.02 billion in Fiscal Year 2027 and beyond
The Massachusetts State Senate passed a reorganization plan to create a state Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities, a cabinet-level position which will assist the Commonwealth with meeting its long-term goals in addressing the housing crisis and expanding safe, accessible, and affordable housing for residents. In Massachusetts, housing-related issues are currently addressed by the administration through the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. The reorganization plan passed in the Senate today would elevate housing issues to a separate executive agency tasked with supporting housing availability and assessing the Commonwealth’s progress in this area. In response to ongoing concerns over housing availability, last session, the Massachusetts Legislature allocated over $1 billion in direct appropriations to support affordable housing in Massachusetts. This followed a session that saw the long-awaited ‘housing choice’ legislation become law with important housing production incentives, including requiring multi-family zoning near transit.
In Massachusetts, housing-related issues are currently addressed by the administration through the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. The reorganization plan passed in the Senate today would elevate housing issues to a separate executive agency tasked with supporting housing availability and assessing the Commonwealth’s progress in this area.

The compromise bill includes the following tax changes:
The bill increases the refundable tax credit for a dependent child, disabled adult, or senior from $180 to $310 per dependent in taxable year 2023, and then to $440 in taxable year 2024 and beyond, while eliminating the child/dependent cap. This expanded credit, which will benefit more than 565,000 families, will be the most generous universal child and dependent tax credit in the country.
Massachusetts’ current estate tax, which has not been updated in many years, has become an outlier in several ways. The changes made in this bill update the tax to bring it more in line with other states and eliminate punitive elements of the tax for those with incomes just high enough to trigger it. The bill reduces the estate tax for all taxpayers and eliminates the tax for all estates under $2 million by allowing a uniform credit of $99,600.
This bill increases the refundable Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) from 30 per cent to 40 per cent of the federal credit. This increase will provide crucial support to working individuals and families, benefitting nearly 400,000 taxpayers with incomes under $60,000.
Currently, most businesses in Massachusetts are subject to a three-factor apportionment based on location, payroll, and receipts. To support companies headquartered in Massachusetts, this bill establishes a single sales factor apportionment in the Commonwealth based solely on receipts, matching what 39 other states currently do.
This bill doubles the refundable senior circuit breaker tax credit, which supports limited-income seniors facing high rents or real estate taxes, from $1,200 to $2,400. This change is expected to impact over 100,000 seniors across Massachusetts.
This bill increases the rental deduction cap from $3,000 to $4,000. This is expected to impact about 800,000 Massachusetts taxpayers.
At 12 per cent, Massachusetts is among the states with the highest short-term capital gains tax rate, and taxes short-term capital gains at a higher rate than long-term capital gains. The bill lowers the short-term capital gains tax rate to 8.5 per cent.
The bill increases the statewide cap from $10 million to $57 million for 2023, and subsequently to $30 million annually, which will provide Gateway Cities with an expanded tool to develop market rate housing. This increase is estimated to create 12,500 new homes in Gateway Cities and spur over $4 billion of private investment in these communities.
This bill raises the annual authorization from $40 million to $60 million. This increased authorization cap provides enough funding to spur the creation of thousands of new units of affordable housing annually while also bolstering economic development.
This new policy will permit municipalities to adopt a local property tax exemption for affordable real estate that is rented by a person whose income is less than a certain level set by the community.
Lead Paint Abatement: Doubles the credit to $3,000 for full abatement and $1,000 for partial abatement, to support families with older homes.
- Dairy Tax Credit: Increases the statewide cap from $6 million to $8 million, to provide more assistance for local farmers during downturns in milk prices.
- Student Loan Repayment Exemption: Ensures that employer student loan payments are not treated as taxable compensation.
- Commuter Transit Benefits: Makes public transit fares, as well as ferry and regional transit passes and bike commuter expenses, eligible for the commuter expense tax deduction.
- Apprenticeship Tax Credit Reforms: Expands the occupations for which this workforce development credit is available.
- Cider Tax: Raises the maximum amount of alcohol for these classes of drinks to 8.5 per cent, allowing more locally produced hard cider and still wines to be taxed at a lower rate.
- Senior Property Tax Volunteer Program: Increases from $1,500 to $2,000 the maximum that municipalities may allow for certain seniors to reduce from their property tax by participating in the senior work-off program.
In addition to tax relief, the bill updates Chapter 62F of the Massachusetts General Laws, which triggered nearly $3 billion in taxpayer refunds in 2022. This law requires that excess revenue be returned to taxpayers when tax revenue collections in a given fiscal year exceed an annual tax revenue cap. The bill passed today ensures that each credit is applied equally to every taxpayer. The bill also adjusts the Stabilization Fund cap, allowing the Commonwealth’s savings account to retain more funding. In addition, the bill requires married taxpayers who file a joint return with the federal government to file a joint state return, subject to exemptions or adjustments promulgated by the Department of Revenue (DOR).
Earlier this week, the Massachusetts Senate took final action on a supplemental budget designed to close out Fiscal Year 2023. This funding includes $3.1 billion and contains several provisions to support the ongoing operations of programs and services that benefit the residents of the Commonwealth. It was signed by the Governor shortly after its passage.
“I am proud to have supported this legislation that will fund the badly needed raises, back bay and settlements for tens of thousands of employees across the Commonwealth. They have earned them and have been wanting too long.”, said Senator Nick Collins.
This closeout supplemental budget includes:
- $798 million to shore up the healthcare system
- $378 million to fund collective bargaining increases for the following state and county employees including police officers, correction officers, firefighters, professors, engineers and human service workers. Overall, 95 contracts were ratified.
- $250 million to support the emergency shelter system
- $100 million pension payment to remove any further increased liability resulting from the 2015 early retirement incentive program.
- $75 million for school districts impacted by special education tuition rate increases
- $15 million for disaster relief for municipalities impacted by storms and natural disasters that occurred in 2023;
- $1.25 million toward the Department of Mental Health, Massachusetts State Police, MBTA Transit Police and Boston Police to combat the public health and safety crisis facing the City of Boston.
Morrissey Commission

Finally, last month, a commission charged with coordinating state and city resources to plan critical improvements to Morrissey Boulevard and related infrastructure convened for its first meeting after creating it via Legislation in the Transportation Infrastructure bill and updated in our FY24 budget legislation.
The meeting was convened by the Mass Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and was the first of four public meetings to be held between now and next summer. A report will then be submitted to the Executive Branch and Legislature. The commission’s report will include recommendations in time to secure funding in state capital budget.
The commission is chaired by the state‘s Transportation Secretary Monica Tibbits-Nutt. In addition to me, the commission also includes the following elected and appointed officials or their designees: Mayor Michelle Wu, Rep. David Biele and Rep. Daniel Hunt, and Councillor Frank Baker, and officials from the state’s Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), the UMass Building Authority, and the Boston Planning and Development Agency.